Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Who Am I?

This question would seem to be an easy one.....Who am I?  I would say I qualify as a mother, wife and friend.  My actual identity doesn't really matter at this point.  But I keep coming back to the question Who am I?  I can't tell you how many times I have tried to answer this question on my own.  I think I have always struggled with who I am or even who I am supposed to be.  I was the one that always tried to fit in and blend.  I was the one who always felt on the outside.  I was the one who struggled with an eating disorder and still do.  I was the one who was lost in the sea of people not really knowing who I was.  And even though I am a mother of almost 5 children and have a great marriage I still find myself wondering who I am.

I came across this SITE by way of a blog.  Yes they only send you one informative video a day till you get all of them, but after seeing the first one I was intrigued.  I have tried over and over to love myself and yet I am constantly comparing myself to others and trying to figure out how to be something better.  What if I already am something better?  After watching the first video I wanted more but they only allow one video per day.  This site has inspired me to find out who I am.  I am more than a size 2 pants and for some reason I keep trying to persuade myself I am nothing until I am a size 2.

I started this blog as anonymous because it will be a way for me to blog my journey without fear of being judged.  I am determined to find who I was supposed to be and hold on to the idea.  And this will be a great way to see if I have succeeded because what better time to find yourself than after having a baby.  This should be interesting if only so I can look back and see if I can really do it.